Many artists, entrepreneurs, and people in general struggle with releasing work, projects, and art to the world because they fear it has not reached its full potential yet. It is a fair notion, especially since we aim to put out what we believe will appeal to people the most. Although it is important to consider the public’s possible stream of consciousness to target them as an audience, your initial idea may get lost down the rabbit hole while trying to focus on appeasing everyone. BrenĂ© Brown, author of Daring Greatly , points out how important it is to not use the notion of perfection as a shield against your vulnerability. In other words, vulnerability, which yields creativity and productivity, gets misplaced when all we think about is what society will think. Even though society offers some protection against chaos by defining what behaviors are acceptable and what should be put out into the world, it can stop many forward-thinkers from introducing solutions or crafts, and le...
At Licentia Recordings, music artists are given the freedom to sing, rap, and write their innovation, and will find support through music marketing, music publishing, and more.